Your Favorite Album Art, As A Blanket
Choose any album/track cover art available on Soundcloud, Spotify, or Apple music to be on your blanket. Our album blocks are printed with our high-grade dye sublimation press allowing us to print some of the most elaborate prints in the print industry.
Soft, Warm, and Bright
All blankets are printed with the cutting edge, HP Stich S300 dye-sublimation press, allowing us to print each of the 16 million colors in the RGB color space. Each of our blankets are produced in Japan with some of the best quality fleece available in the international market. We have 4 print shops worldwide to deliver the provide the best coverage and rates possible.
Shipping Returns For Customs
Shipping Times in Major Regions:
The United States 4-12 business days
Australia 10-15 business days
Canada 10-15 business days
The United Kingdom 8-10 business days
Please contact via email at [email protected] for faster rates.